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Philosophy and mentality

Posts about mentality and Philosophy

Cómo mejorar la memoria para estudiar con distintas técnicas mnemotécnicas.

How to Improve Memory for Studying

Many college majors and competitive exams require memorizing large amounts of information. Memorizin…

La mentalidad de abundancia nos permite afrontar la vida desde un punto de vista más positivo y saludable.

7 ways to develop an abundance mindset

Someone who manages to develop an abundance mindset is grateful and appreciative of everything they …

Las mejores técnicas de programación neurolingüística para mejorar.

The Best Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques

Why do so many athletes use visualization techniques? Why are affirmations and mantras so popular in…

Existen distintos tipos de técnicas para gestionar el estrés.

The Best Techniques to Manage Stress

It is not easy to decipher how not to get stressed, as stress is a part of life. Stress is the weari…

La confianza en ti mismo puede aumentar si realizas un trabajo interior.

Want to boost your confidence? Follow These Tips

Self-confidence is a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. Research su…

Ser consciente de uno mismo implica tomar conciencia de nuestros pensamientos y emociones.

Being more self-aware Why is it so important?

Self-awareness is linked to greater well-being, and anyone can improve it with the right techniques.…

La meditación zen también es conocida como zazen.

What is Zen meditation? Find out if it’s right for you

Zen meditation, also known as Zazen, is a meditation technique with roots in Buddhist psychology. Th…

¿Cuánto tiempo hay que meditar al día? Esa es una pregunta que muchas personas se hacen.

How long should you meditate for ? Discover the Answer

Meditation can be a valuable practice for people of all backgrounds, but knowing how long to meditat…

El estoicismo es una rica filosofía de Vida.

Stoicism: The Art of Living Fully

My admired Ramiro Calle used to say that he was “afraid” that stoicism was becoming so p…